I believe our bodies have an innate and immense capacity for healing, and through touch and clear communication, massage and bodywork can help our bodies relax, bringing our nervous systems into an ideal state for healing, equilibrium, and ease.
My journey into massage and bodywork began after watching my husband’s body transform dramatically with the help of consistent bodywork, awareness, and of course, the discipline that it takes to change postural patterns. Witnessing such transformation inspired me to pursue my education in massage therapy.
Massage and bodywork are an essential part of my life and I also find gratification and fulfillment by making wearable and meaningful art. For the last year, I have been working with a local goldsmith as an apprentice. I believe that using my hands as a massage therapist and jewelry creator enables me to bring joy and calm to myself and others.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: 11am - 7pm
Saturday: 10am - 2pm